I Wub YOU!

How much do I wub you?  This (*————–0—————-*) much!  I am sitting in a warm house, inside from the cold chill of the brisk wind of rural Alaska.  I get to enjoy the cold for 6 more days before returning to the sweltering heat of Arizona and whipping out my….COPICS!  In the mean time I made a few cards to post while up in Alaska….so here is one of them.

So….greetings from Alaska, where I was officially kissed by a moose!

7 thoughts on “I Wub YOU!

  1. So is the blue bunny representative of the color of your own skin right now? I can't believe you kissed a moose…no wait…yes, I can! Hope you are having a wonderful time!

  2. Only you would suck face with a moose! Hope you're having a great time in Alaska! We miss you back here in AZ! Hey, only 86 today!!! 🙂

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