Bestest of Friends

MakeItCrafty has some quirky fun images and this is one of them.  You can find them and more HERE.  The Design Team has a challenge for themselves to create something with the theme Girlfriends…this is my rendition.

I used some funky color combinations (okay really just one is funky) YG21 YG93 YG95 was the yellow green dress…took a few passes to get it blended but i love how it looks.  The shorts are R81 R83 and R85, Her shirt is an easy blend of E74 E77 E79.  Strawberry hair would be YR24 and E57, and the blonde is Y21 E35 E57.  I used my normal face colors of E50 E51 E93 for cheeks and BV20 for shadows…I did add a little E11 over the BV20.   Have fun with these color blends.

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