Our sixth challenge, the second for the year has just been posted at Make It Colourful and we’d love to see your wonderful work of art!
A big wow to those who took on the last challenge! Just a little more you’ll see, you’re the artist you thought you could never be. Never think it’s not perfect or don’t think it’s not good enough. Remember how art is self expression, just be yourself and show us what you got and you might just be this year’s lucky winner for February!
The Challenge
We challenge you to TWO challenges at the start of each month. The easy challenge to tickle the artist in you and the hard challenge to bring out the artist in you and help you learn and explore new colouring ideas.
Want Feedback?
We are no experts in this field that this has been a challenge for us too. We are here to give you the encouragement to help you move along and to give you feedback and advice about your project to help you improve – pop over to the Make it Crafty private FB group and post your project there where we can actively interact with you. Just make sure to let us know ‘what’ you would like advice on or you may not receive the help you are after. 

Easy Challenge – Practise colouring with Browns
Get those “browns” out and practise colouring hair, clothing and trees with brown! You only need to have part of your image coloured with brown to enter the easy challenge.
Hard Challenge – Colour whole image with Browns (monochrome)
For the hard challenge I want you to try and recreate an old looking photo using sepia tones. You can not add any colour to the image, including no skin colours.
Ideally when practising this technique you will use just one set of colours across the whole image.
Ideally when practising this technique you will use just one set of colours across the whole image.
Here is my example for the challenge…
I used one of the new released “classy gals” for this challenge and colored her up in my own sepia combo. If you look below you can see the picture I was using for reference. I went a little too orange but had already committed. I still like how it turned out but will try to make it a bit lighter next time. I hope you can join in on the fun challenge and practice on your coloring skills. At least try monochromatic. You can find the challenge HERE.
Skin E30 E31 E23 E24 E27
YR20 YR21 YR23 YR24 YR27 E49
E37 E99 E39
Gorgeous! Love your reference photo. You aced this one!