Ride, Baby Ride!

I challenged myself to a clean and simple card this week.  Of course I had to try layering it on colored paper but in the end decided to stick with my personal challenge and put it on a white card base.  I thought this image from All Dressed Up fit my mood.  It is starting to feel like spring and a bike ride is in my future.  Now just so you know I do not like to ride bikes but the dear husband decided that we should start getting out.  Have I mentioned I am 45 and have no desire to ride a bike?  Well he is not being persuaded and got us bikes…mine has no basket or ring-a-ding-ding bell thank goodness.  We will see who falls off first.  Anyway I hope you enjoy this cheery image from AllDressedUp and can have fun coloring clean and simple too!

Join in on some fun and win yourself an image by joining in on our challenge this month.  Anything Goes and all you have to do is use a ADU image.  you can even go grab a free one.  All the details are HERE on the challenge blog!
BG11 BG15 BG49
E50 E51 E21 E23
E31 E35 E79
C3 C5 C7
R05 R46

8 thoughts on “Ride, Baby Ride!

  1. Absolutely stunning Jennifer. Just love her on her bike. Gorgeous coloring. The white space just makes her pop more. I love riding my bike. No basket either but I do have a ring a ding bell. That's a must. You would be surprised how often I need it. People wearing headphones on the trail.

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