I have been Jamming Out

For those that have had a chance to create your own, you know how satisfying it is.  A sense of accomplishment!  I was raised canning, and food drying thanks to my mom.  As an adult (on my own) I thought I would give it a try.  I am grateful my mom is around for that quick phone call and advice while I am neck deep in bubbling hot liquid, attempting to do what she does so well.

This year I am proud to say I canned (jarred) peach jam, nectarine jam, stewed tomatoes and a flop batch of peach (was going to be jam) chunky syrup.  I have frozen shucked corn, dried onion, tomatoes, peaches, plums, pears, peppers and bananas….whew!  I think I must be getting ready for the winter months when where we have to snow machine out from the cabin in order to get to town for food.  I am ready to hide out and enjoy the deep snow.  The hubby even chopped and stacked 8 chords of wood to keep us warm.  What an accomplishment for our first official winter in Colorado, at out own cabin, in the high altitude of 9600 ft elevation.  After full-time RVing for 6 years this is our new adventure.  Bring on the snow!

Okay, enough about me!  How about these fun stamps that can be used in so many ways?  I decided to make some cool labels for my canning jars.  These stamps come in all seasons, and are perfect for finishing off these beauties! They would also make great gift tags too.

You can purchase this stamp set HERE

Occasions Circles clear stamps

Stitched and Pierced Circle die set

3 thoughts on “I have been Jamming Out

  1. So awesome canning is a talent in it self! Congrats on the new digs- very exciting!!! Enjoy winter she’s a comin!!!!

  2. Canning jar tops are adorable, you always seem to think out of the box. I am sad about the RVing but so happy for you. We will miss having you here for the winter but getting to come visit you in the summer will be fun too. Love your energy! Hugs

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