I Love Hue

I love this little panda.  The is one more of the fun release from Whimsy Stamps.  No matter what you create, how it appears, what others might say…MAKE ART!  This little guy is sending “hue” love.  I want you to know you all make my world brighter.  As a teacher of coloring, I have come to realize that a happy artist is better than an unhappy perfect-coloring artist.  Be happy, and color your heart out.  It is good for the soul.

A simple reminder:  When looking at others creations, don’t judge.  You never know what someone is going through.  Maybe that is the top of their skills, and the coloring makes them calm and happy.  Maybe they are shaky, losing eyesight, to much coffee, coloring through tears.  You just never know.  Love, learn to compliment, and find the best part of the creation to say something wonderful about.  Uplift, don’t judge, be kind.  Be that person in this world that makes a difference in someone’s life.

I recently had someone “judge” my skills.  It broke my heart.  Every piece of art I pour my heart into.  My style may change, my eyesight (stupid glasses) might need some tweaking, but my love remains.  Please remember to be kind so you don’t destroy someone’s love for what they do.

Now go buy this cute Panda and color your heart out!!!

Panda Painter clear stamps 3×4

OMG Word and Shadow die

Zig Zag Rectangle die

OMG!  I do not know the OLO colors I used because I didn’t write them down…guess I was having to much fun!!

6 thoughts on “I Love Hue

  1. Don’t worry about what anyone else says! You are a huge inspiration to so many of us! Much love and hugs!

  2. Your art is so unique and always beautiful. I enjoy it and appreciate you sharing it with us all. You keep doing you…..it’s great!

    1. That person is insecure and jealous. Or find you to be their competitor. Jenn, you are amazing inside and out. No one can take that from you! I understand words sting but, let them show their dark side. You are the one full of light and inspiration for all of us!
      I color because of you. Xoxo

  3. OMG, your work is beautiful! Do not understand how anyone could have negative comments. You are an inspiration and a fantastic teacher!

  4. Wow, I cannot believe somebody would’ve actually judged your work. I always try to emulate you a lot of what I do. I think their coloring skills are amazing and your creativity is off the chart.

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