
Sooo…the story goes like this.  My friend Barb came for a visit.  She drove up to Arizona from Texas in her class C (medium size) RV and parked it right next-door to me.  What a fun way to travel and a bit easier to maneuver then our 43 ft Toy Hauler.  The best part was we got to hang out and color for a week.

During this fabulous week we had some fun playing and experimenting with everything from paper to fibers (felting, my new found love).  One of the many fun things we did was a coloring challenge like we had done together (with our friend Zoe) in the “olden days”.

For this new challenge we were to take one of Barbs adorable new Polka Dot Pal images (sold through Whimsy Stamps) and turn it into a Muppet, any Muppet.  Oh yes, challenge accepted!!

I have a soft spot for the Muppets’ Animal, so I jumped onto the computer and looked up all the different images I could find.  We both started out using the Polka Dot Pal Harley from the latest release.  We added him to the tree stump accessory.  After careful consideration and a little pencil sketching I got right to the fun part…coloring.

The Process

First we stamped him in a light gray so that our Extreme Creative Color Placement would dominate the original lines. This is the image we started out with.  Adorable Harley sitting on a tree stump.

After doing some crazy drawing I started applying ink.  I actually find the drawing part harder.  I would much rather go straight in with color and hope for the best.  You can see his eyes are actually in the mouth area.  Crazy right?

Once I got into it I couldn’t stop.  The most fun of it all is seeing it actually come to form.

YES!  Complete.  I wasn’t totally satisfied with his vest but as I tell my students…look at the big picture not the little details that bug you at that moment.

I hope you enjoyed the few step out photos I took along the way.  This was such a fun time creating.  One of these days maybe you can join one of our crazy challenges too, or why wait…grab the stamp set and show us what yah got!

Polka Dot Pal – Harley

Although I would love to share what Barb created, because it is THAT amazing,  you are just gonna have to head over to her blog HERE and see the phenomenal job she did.  You are going to just squeal!!

…I can give you a hint though

…it wasn’t Animal!



FYI a little info on Creative Color Placement

  • Creative Color Placement (CCP):  means creatively placing ink (or coloring) on the image to create features.  Careful as to not alter any of the artists original lines, but rather accentuate features.  If you were to add black lines similar to the artists image-lines THIS could be considered “altering”.
  • Extreme Creative Color Placement (ECCP):  same as above but WAY over the top, almost to the point where the image isn’t recognizable unless placed next to the original uncolored image for comparison.  Again, adding black lines is not recommended as this could be perceived as altering an image.


19 thoughts on “@*!ANIMAL!@#

  1. This is bloody awesome. Love me some Animal. So nice BarbArab came to visit 🙂

  2. Very cute! I’m curious how you travel & store your craft supplies while in your rv. Any hints would be appreciated. So far I have stamped images prior to our trip and have only taken colored pencils.

    1. I choose very wisely what comes into the RV. But to be honest as this is my business and we travel I was blessed with the garage space for my studio. I got drawers and cabinets from Walmart that are plastic so they are lighter in weight and they are full of everything I need. I will do a post on my studio at some point so you can see. Having a studios that must be light in weight really makes me think about what I am buying and if I really need it 🙂

  3. Fabulous Jennifer, Animal was always my favorite Muppet as well. I can’t wait to see what Barbra comes up with.

  4. FUN,FUN, FUN!!! You and Barbara rocked this! Love your Animal! One of my favorite muppets!

  5. I grew up with the muppets and Animal was always my favorite. I even had a poster hanging in my bedroom of the Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mahem, with animal front and center, chained to his drums. Great times. I can’t believe what you’ve done here, i knew you were good, but this is freakin’ awesome!

  6. Jenn this is amazing! Really genius placement and beautifully coloured!

    I LOVE!

    You are FAB!


  7. Absolutely amazing. You have an ability to color, shade and imagine that is just fabulous.

  8. Another amazing project. Jennifer you are an incredible artist. As always thank you for sharing your talent with us! So glad you could spend time with your friend.

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