***A few of you requested info on the whale water....Really it was simple. I gave it a little speckle texture by splattering a little ink around the whale....be sure and block off the whale so the splattering doesnt travel. then i colored it with a few colors of blue (copic markers). I covered the whole water area with crystal effects...Read More
Another cool Dustin Pike image my friend gave me. I just love his Monkey's. Ever feel like not going to a party, but have to....well here is a card just for that occasion...lol
I have made this card for a sweet little boy who could use a little cheering up. Dustin Pike challenged us to pick a kid off the site http://www.postpals.co.uk and make a card and mail it to them. If we do this we are entered for blog candy. Well Blog Candy or not, I enjoyed making this card for a...Read More
Thanks Dustin for drawing my truck. Okay, so its not my truck....but close. I crinkled paper to make it look like mud or rocks. Colored with Copic.My Truck!
Are you tired of these images yet? HECK NO! See more here at Dustin Pike's Blog. There are freebies too. Click on images to get the details. Micro beads cover the cupcake. Colored with Copic.
Another Dustin Pike image. Colored with Copic Ciao. Added Prima flowers and Queen & Co. bling. Lots of glitter involved in this card. Be sure to go check out his images.
So seeing as i get to go work at the zoo tomorrow (phoenix world wildlife zoo), i decided to do lots of nothing today...so here is some more "nothing" to show you. Another Dustin Pike image. Colored with Copic, layered with Prism cardstock (from just4funcrafts), cuddlebugged, pattern paper chatterbox. Hand made flowers.
I printed out a few extra and HAD to use them...so here is another card made with Dustin Pike's great drawing. These characters just bring a smile to my face...smiling is a GOOD thing! I used vines from outside to hang the tags off of. I really don't think this is gonna fit in an envelope...oh well, guess it will...Read More
Okay.....I stumbled across an great artist. Reminds me of some of the whipperSnapper stuff....BUT ITS DIGITAL. Comes is JPG and PNG. I love the fact that it isn't all cute and fluffy like most stamps out there! Okay, maybe that is just me. I printed one out and colored it with copic markers. Its a Digital stamp! He is amazing...Read More